Spiritual Formation Program, Sept. 2023-May 2024

The Baltimore Yearly Meeting(BYM) Spiritual Formation Program invites its participants into a deeper spiritual experience through retreats, a virtual large group, spiritual community in the local meeting, and individual spiritual practices. This year there are some drop-in small groups for those unable to commit to be present for all the meetings.


• Richmond Friends will carpool to BYM’s opening Fall Spiritual Formation Retreat Sept. 22-24, 2023 at the Claggett Conference and Retreat Center, Adamstown, MD. (Carpool coordinator is Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre).

• The Spiritual Formation Program is founded on a daily spiritual practice of each person’s choice.


• All participants gather in person for RFM large group meetings at the Program’s Sunday evening opening (October 1), and closing (May 5) from 5 to 7pm, including a potluck at 6:30 at RFM. In January, program team will check with participants to see how things are going and address any issues.


• BYM offers a virtual large group (with a worship-sharing format) for those needing to meet online, Tuesdays once a month 7:00pm to 8:30pm. (Contact co-facilitator Rita Willett for information or registration).


• From October 2023 through May 2024, Spiritual Formation participants build community through committing to monthly virtual or in person small groups, a drop-in group,or to a spiritual friendship pair.  Small groups, usually around 6 members, meet once a month to share spiritual journeys and support one another in a daily spiritual practice.  Options are:

• Listening for Spirit in Contemplation will use a worship sharing format in response to sacred readings or poetry from many traditions. Each participant can identify a word that “shimmers” for them, consider how it relates to our world at this time, and how it relates to their personal life. Alternate Thursdays online 9 to 10am. (Contact facilitator Sylvia Shurcliff).

• Spiritual Companions Group will be in person and offers worship sharing in response to a query. (Contact Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre, facilitator) .

• Young Adult and Newcomers Spiritual Journey Group focuses on learning about Quaker worship through brief readings, QuakerSpeak videos, and queries. An in-person drop-in group. Probably after Meeting for Worship at RFM. (Contact Mason Mairead, facilitator).

• “Parenting As a Spiritual Journey” Support Group with child care through Religious Education program , meeting 4th Sundays 11:15 to 12:05. An in person drop-in group. (Contact facilitator Susan Singer, seasoned Quaker parent ).

• Spiritual Friendships (group of 2) are for sharing spiritual journeys with format and time chosen by the pair, such as sharing joys and concerns, reading a book together or formats suggested by handouts about spiritual friendships. Virtual or in person. (For information, contact coordinator Mary Fran Hughes-McIntyre ).


Our first large group meeting will be held on Sunday, October 1 from 5-7 PM as an introduction to the process, for organizing small groups, for sharing spiritual journey resources, and opening feast.  

