…[F]requent encounters with White people leave many [people of color (PoC)] feeling like they don’t have the mental capacity to engage with one more White person about racism.  Because when they do try to convey how racism is real it often requires sharing how racism has impacted them and their families.  And each time a PoC shares their stories, they relive a little bit of that experience.  So, whether it is in a workshop or a one-on-one conversation, PoC know there will be an emotional and mental toll they will likely have to pay….  PoC are understandably tired, worn-out, exhausted, fatigued, drained, spent, depleted, sapped and expended from trying to teach White people.  It’s even exhausting writing about it.”

From Inside Out: The Equity Leader’s Guide to Undoing Institutional Racism, p. 109, by Caprice Hollins, New Society Publishers (2022)

This column is prepared by the BYM Working Group on Racism (WGR) and sent to the designated liaison at each local Meeting.  The BYM WGR meets most months on the first Saturday, 10:00 am to 12 noon, currently via Zoom.  If you would like to attend, contact the clerk at david.etheridge@verizon.net.