Scholarships for BYM

Baltimore Yearly Meeting (BYM) Annuals Sessions is fast approaching.  Adult Spiritual Education (ASE) has scholarships, up to $500.  If receiving this scholarship facilitates your attendance, please apply by send a written request with your name, the name of...

Help needed for Afghan Emigres

We have been contacted by a member of Morningside Meeting in NYC about two recent emigres from Afghanistan. They wish to increase their contact with other Richmonders. While in Afghanistan they worked in different capacities for climate and human rights. After the...

The Peace Testimony Reading Group

The Peace Testimony Reading Group had their first session on Saturday, June 17th. There will be three more sessions, each on the third Saturday at 9:30 am, specifically, July 15th, August 19th and Sept 16th. If you wish to join and have not signed up, please contact...

Peace Play

From Tina Eshleman of First Mennonite Church: As a fellow peace church in the Richmond area, I wondered if you might share this announcement about a peace-themed musical theater production we are hosting on June 16: ...

What Should RFM Do Around Race and Racism?

First deeply consider your own experiences and actions regarding race and racism, and those of Richmond Friends Meeting, and the wider society. Then please write your response to this query:    What should RFM do regarding race and racism?   Members and...