Afghan Refugees Update in the RVA Area

The Greater Richmond Area is seeing a big influx of Afghan refugees being housed nearby at Fort Lee. Some of those families will be resettled in Richmond and some will move on to other cities/states. A large number are expected to stay in Richmond. The logistics of...


FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 – SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2020Register Here!In our Fall retreat, we’ll go “back to the basics” and explore some of the practices that might help us(re)discover the Ground of our Being and sustain our joyful attention...

Spiritual Formation Program 2021-2022

Spiritual Formation Program 2021-2022 “Spirit and Earth: Journeying toward Right Relationships” Program Description and Registration Form The Baltimore Yearly Meeting Spiritual Formation Program invites its participants into a deeper spiritual experience through BYM...

Blended Meetings for Worship Start Soon

Ministry and Worship Committee and the COVID-19 Working Group have decided that blended meetings forworship will begin for 11 am worship on August 29. In a blended meeting, Friends worship together, either in the meetinghouse or via Zoom. Those online can see and hear...