by WebPost | Aug 19, 2021 | Announcement
The Adult Spiritual Education Committee will hold a one-hour Bible Workbench (“Reading Between the Lines”) via Zoom starting at 8 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 5. Please note the CHANGE OF TIME; we’d like to meet an hour-and-a-half earlier so that...
by WebPost | Aug 5, 2021 | Announcement
In this series, four members of our community will engage in a dialogue with a member of ASE about a book that has been important in their spiritual journey. Participants are not expected to read the books prior to the sessions, but may wish to do so. All...
by WebPost | Aug 5, 2021 | Announcement
Among Friends Imagine biking sections of the Capital Trail, or taking short walks in the James River Park system, or reading and discussing books that increase your understanding of critical race theory. What about learning a new craft, or visiting local museums and...
by WebPost | Aug 5, 2021 | Announcement
Approved Proposal on Returning to Worship in the Meetinghouse With concern for the well-being of the community, Meeting requests that all who can be vaccinated do so. (See minutes of 7th month meeting for business at the end of this newsletter.) The following schedule...
by WebPost | Jul 6, 2021 | Announcement
As you may know, the national effort is called “National Immigrant Transit Assistance” (NITA) and the local Richmond volunteers that meet asylum seekers at the Greyhound terminal are called “Richmond Immigrant Transit Assistance (RITA). Richmond is...