by WebPost | Jun 3, 2021 | Announcement
Conscientious Objectors in Today’s MilitaryPanel Discussion Photo credit: Michelle Downey Every month, Quaker House takes approximately 300 calls on the GI Rights Hotline from people having issues with military membership. These callers want help and...
by WebPost | May 21, 2021 | Announcement
The Spiritual Formation Program will resume in September with monthly large group meetings and monthly small group meetings. For years this program has nurtured the spiritual lives of many in our community. During that time, we have shared the leadership of this...
by WebPost | May 17, 2021 | Announcement
The second round of project applications is open. There is $5295.00 remaining to be allocated. The submission deadline is June 21, 2021. The completion deadline will be October 31, 2022. To review the application please go to...
by WebPost | May 14, 2021 | Announcement
Since the meetinghouse closed down due to the pandemic, we’ve been offering virtual classes for our children over Zoom. Kelly Kennedy has led sing-alongs for all ages every second Sunday. Every fourth Sunday of the month, religious...
by WebPost | Apr 24, 2021 | Announcement
ALERT!! In the current newsletter RE said that our Graduating Senior Recognition will be June 27 at rise of Meeting at the Clearing. We have changed to Sunday, May 23 at the rise of meeting. During meeting on May 23 the children will participate in a scavenger hunt....