by WebPost | Mar 22, 2021 | Announcement
Over the past month, our work has focused on a large number of conscientious objection cases at varying stages of the process. In one case, we have had the privilege of supporting a Muslim conscientious objector. She is the first CO we have worked with who is part of...
by WebPost | Mar 2, 2021 | Announcement
The Gathering, 2021 Friends, you may know that the annual week long gathering of Friends from the US, Canada and many other countries is scheduled to take place the week of June 27. Once again, the session will be virtual, allowing us to attend with from our...
by WebPost | Feb 26, 2021 | Announcement
A new Friendly 8s group on the broad topic of Climate Change is being formed by Arthur Shurcliff, Joe Ball and Jim Thoroman. It will meet online using Zoom, once a week for about 8 weeks. The group will be limited to 8 to 10 people to optimize the experience as a...
by WebPost | Feb 21, 2021 | Announcement
The Clearing Building & Grounds Committee invites Richmond Meeting members to join us for three days this spring, preparing the Clearing for the 2021 season and our annual RFM Spring Retreat (which will be mostly virtual, but we may have...
by WebPost | Feb 1, 2021 | Announcement
In a couple of weeks, once I know who are the committee clerks, I will distribute an updated RFM Directory via the newslist. If you have any changes or additions, please submit them asap. Send to Thank you!Don Miller, Directory...