by WebPost | Sep 23, 2020 | Announcement
As has been announced, the Nominating Committee has begun recruitment for the 2021 Committees andPositions. During September and October we will be working hard to have Committees and Positions for2021 filled by December Business Meeting (preferably by November...
by WebPost | Sep 23, 2020 | Announcement
A chance to gather (safely or virtually) with old and new friends to share an activity. So far we have fourgroups on offer listed with the person to contact: Biking 20 miles or More convener, Ada Hammer Arts and Crafts, all kinds, all levels, convener, Meg Viar...
by WebPost | Sep 23, 2020 | Announcement
Longtime attender, Jim Melton, has died here in Richmond. Care and Counsel Committee received amessage from his brother Ben on September 11: I’m sorry to have to let you know that Jim passed away thisevening at Brownstone, the assisted living home in which he...
by WebPost | Sep 20, 2020 | Announcement
Fall Workday at RFM Presented by your own Building and Grounds Committee In this unusual year, our tasks can be done singly or with one or two others. If you are interested in one of these jobs, contact Ada Hammer, Everyone working will...
by WebPost | Sep 20, 2020 | Announcement
Our series Mysticism: Living from the Inside Out will be presented virtually on Saturday mornings at 9:30 am. These programs will be recorded and put on the RFM website for later viewing. Contact the presenter if you have a questions about the session or the...