Please sign up for RFM Spiritual Foundation

From Joe Ball for the Spiritual Foundation planning group: “The heart of Spiritual Formation is the intimate sharing that takes place in small group.”             Juan Whittington “Our Spiritual Formation Program...

Meetinghouse use during the pandemic

Friends, this is a reminder that the meetinghouse is still closed due to the pandemic. The building should only be used for specific committee-related activities that require a physical presence inside. Maintenance and upkeep projects are in process. We want the space...

Mindfulness Meditation: Is it a Spiritual Practice?

N ADULT SPIRITUAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITYThis Saturday, July 11, 2020Beginning promptly at 9:30 am on ZoomLog-in will be open at 9:15 Led by Howard Garner and Barbara Hulburt In this time of stressful isolation, we participated in a 40-day mindfulness meditation course...