by WebPost | Aug 19, 2020 | Announcement
Meeting for Worship Outdoors and in-person at the Clearing!(Our beautiful retreat center in Amelia County) September 13 at 11 am14006 Genito RoadAmelia Courthouse, VA 23002Driving directions can be found via GPS and also on the RFM website’s Clearing page...
by WebPost | Aug 18, 2020 | Announcement
Friends, you have heard about the upcoming moi spiritual formation program at RFM – an opportunity to deepen our spiritual understanding and practice, as individuals and as a community. Baltimore Yearly Meeting’s spiritual formation program...
by WebPost | Aug 6, 2020 | Announcement
From Joe Ball for the Spiritual Foundation planning group: “The heart of Spiritual Formation is the intimate sharing that takes place in small group.” Juan Whittington “Our Spiritual Formation Program...
by WebPost | Jul 19, 2020 | Announcement
Friends, this is a reminder that the meetinghouse is still closed due to the pandemic. The building should only be used for specific committee-related activities that require a physical presence inside. Maintenance and upkeep projects are in process. We want the space...
by WebPost | Jul 9, 2020 | Announcement
N ADULT SPIRITUAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITYThis Saturday, July 11, 2020Beginning promptly at 9:30 am on ZoomLog-in will be open at 9:15 Led by Howard Garner and Barbara Hulburt In this time of stressful isolation, we participated in a 40-day mindfulness meditation course...