by WebPost | Jul 28, 2019 | Building and Grounds
Test Post
by WebPost | Jul 26, 2019 | Adult Spiritual Education
Book Exchange Table
by WebPost | Jul 26, 2019 | Care and Counsel
Richmond Friends’ tradition of forming Friendly Eights in the fall will continue this September. Friendly Eights are groups of eight or so individuals who meet from October to May (or longer!) each year to share a common interest or activity. The groups are a way for...
by WebPost | Jul 23, 2019 | Announcement, Building and Grounds
The meeting room at Richmond Friends Meeting has a new hearing assistance system for use during meeting for worship. The system picks up vocal messages and sends amplified audio signals to individual listeners using one of three methods: 1. FM Receivers: A new FM...
by WebPost | Jul 16, 2019 | Announcement, Baltimore Yearly Meeting
Early Registration is ends June 24th! Annual Session 2019 Early Registration Rates expire on June 24! View online. Early Registration Rates for Annual Session 2019 end next Monday on June 24! Don’t be left sitting alone! Registration for Annual Session 2019 at...