Abbie’s year in Sanctuary

We mark Abbies commitment with a day of worship and resistance.Join us for:  Fighting for Home: 24Hours of Resistance June 20-21. Events begin with a march at Blvd Bridge Thursday, June 20th 5:30. . (NB this is a correction of...

Clearing Workday 3/30

The Clearing Building & Grounds Committee is having a Clearing Workday on Saturday, March 30. Everyone is invited to join us out at The Clearing starting at 9:30 am. Bring a lunch, work gloves, clothes appropriate for working outdoors, sunblock, bug repellent, a...

Clearing Workday

The Clearing Building & Grounds Committee is having a Clearing Workday on Saturday, March 30. Everyone is invited to join us out at The Clearing starting at 9:30 am. Bring a lunch, work gloves, clothes appropriate for working outdoors, sunblock, bug repellent, a...