The Photo Board!

The Care & Counsel committee is updating the photo board outside of the community room. If you have a recent photo, no larger than 41/4 square inches of you or you with your family, please give it to Sally Rugg or Charlotte Davenport, or place it in the mailbox...

New Friendly Eights Group

I posted a new open group called, “Hens and Chicks”.  My idea is for women of a certain age, and we know who we are, to get together with those women who haven’t reached that certain age to share stories, generational thoughts.  Chris...

Updating Photo Board

Care and Counsel is updating the photo board. If you have a recent photo of yourself and/or family no larger than 4 1⁄4” please give it to Charlotte Davenport or Sallie Rugg. Please write names in pencil on the back of your picture. If you would like to be...

Aging in Community Support Group

The “Aging in Community Support Group” is open to members and attenders of retirement age.From our Mission Statement “We want to help each other. We want to be a source of practical, emotional, and spiritual support to help each other as we age in...

Joseph and Mary Judy Otieno

Since moving to this country about a year ago, Mary Judith has been unable to work because of the status of her immigration documents. Joseph has consulted his lawyer, whom he has known for a long while, for legal help in changing the status of her documents. Their...

Friendly Eight Groups Are Forming

So far there are 11 friendly eights groups to choose from. Sign-up sheets remain posted until October 1st. (Even after that date, please feel free to contact the conveners if you are interested.) Groups begin in October. Contact the convener directly for information...