by WebPost | Jun 9, 2023 | Clerk’s Business, Peace and Social Concerns
From Tina Eshleman of First Mennonite Church: As a fellow peace church in the Richmond area, I wondered if you might share this announcement about a peace-themed musical theater production we are hosting on June 16: ...
by WebPost | Jun 2, 2023 | Clerk’s Business
First deeply consider your own experiences and actions regarding race and racism, and those of Richmond Friends Meeting, and the wider society. Then please write your response to this query: What should RFM do regarding race and racism? Members and...
by WebPost | May 28, 2023 | Clerk’s Business, Current
What are we at Richmond Friends Meeting led to do around race and racism? At our business meeting in December of 2022, we approved the formation of the Ad Hoc Committee on Race and Racism. The committee’s charge is to 1) develop and engage the Meeting in an...