Friendly Eights for 2016-17

Sign-up sheets for Friend Eights groups will be posted beginning on September 11 and remain up until October 9. Friendly Eights are small groups that meet for a meal or other activity. Groups can be formed around any topic and are not limited to eight people....

New Spiritual Journey Group for Care Partners

Care Partners are people supporting family members with chronic illness. Being a Care Partner is stressful, so Partners also need care. The group focus will be on the Care Partner’s spiritual journey as it has been impacted by living with the person with the...

Registration Open for the 2016 Spring Retreat

Hello Friends!  Spring Retreat is coming soon, on the weekend of May 27 – May 29, and this year we have an online registration form that you can access at this address. Our theme is Telling Our Stories, and we’ll have opportunities for you to tell...

Spring Workday

The Building and Grounds committee will hold the annual spring workday at the Meetinghouse on Saturday, April 23, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Please join us as we beautify the grounds and do building cleaning and maintenance. Lunch is provided. Come anytime that is...