Aging in Community Support Group

The “Aging in Community Support Group” is open to members and attenders of retirement age.From our Mission Statement “We want to help each other. We want to be a source of practical, emotional, and spiritual support to help each other as we age in...

Hearing Assistance during Worship

Ministry & Worship Committee wants to let you know that if you have trouble hearing messages during Meeting for Worship, you are welcome to pick up a hearing assistance device at the front door. They are easy to use. The Greeter can help you put it...

Joseph and Mary Judy Otieno

Since moving to this country about a year ago, Mary Judith has been unable to work because of the status of her immigration documents. Joseph has consulted his lawyer, whom he has known for a long while, for legal help in changing the status of her documents. Their...

Richmond Quakers Vote!

It’s time to move toward our Meeting’s goal of 100% participation in the November 7, 2023, polling.Here’s a link to a site where you can:– Confirm your registration— Register (if you haven’t already!)– Request a mailed...