by WebPost | Feb 22, 2015 | Peace and Social Concerns
March is the month that Thrifty Quaker will donate sale proceeds to Quaker House. You can drop off items yourself at Thrifty Quaker in early March. Or you can bring them to meeting on Sunday, March 1 and Sunday, March 8 and we will deliver them to the...
by WebPost | Feb 22, 2015 | Peace and Social Concerns
Employment numbers are up. Gas prices are down. Stock market is up. It seems like the hard times are over… for me maybe, or you. But, in Richmond, where 26.3 % of its residents live below the poverty line, many go to bed hungry and many...
by WebPost | Feb 22, 2015 | Peace and Social Concerns
There were 14+ Quakers at the VICPP Day for All People on January 20th from 7 different Monthly Meetings in Virginia – Alexandria, Herndon, Hopewell Centre-Winchester, Maury River – Lexington, Midlothian, Richmond, and Virginia...
by WebPost | Feb 22, 2015 | Peace and Social Concerns
Creating a public “information center” about Quakers; a public outreach by Quakers to seekers Providing our locality a Quaker place for community service and volunteering Encouraging recycling by providing donated thrift items at very low prices Helping...
by WebPost | Jan 29, 2015 | Peace and Social Concerns
From P&SC, Upcoming Events 1. On Sunday February 22nd the same co sponsorship will present the film Five Broken Cameras at RFM. Refreshments will be available at 5:30 and the film will follow at 6PM. 2. On Sunday February 1st at 9:30, P&SC will present a PVS...
by WebPost | Sep 18, 2014 | Peace and Social Concerns
Announcements from Peace & Social Concerns Committee A climate change summit is being held at the United Nations in New York City on Saturday and Sunday September 20-21. The organizers of a rally planned for Sunday are hoping to have massive,...