by WebPost | Feb 29, 2024 | Racial Justice
…[F]requent encounters with White people leave many [people of color (PoC)] feeling like they don’t have the mental capacity to engage with one more White person about racism. Because when they do try to convey how racism is real it often requires...
by WebPost | Nov 23, 2023 | Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Current, Racial Justice
When the song of the angels is stilled,When the star in the sky is gone,When the kings and the princes are home, When the shepherds are back with their flock, The work of Christmas begins:To find the lost,To heal the broken,To feed the hungry,To release the...
by WebPost | Oct 18, 2023 | Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Racial Justice
“Racial exclusion from the mainstream economy, [Malcolm] later reasoned, meant that ‘almost everyone in Harlem needed some kind of hustle to survive, and needed to stay high in some way to forget what they had to do to survive …. In one sense, we...