News and Activities

Thinking about Race (March 2024)

…[F]requent encounters with White people leave many [people of color (PoC)] feeling like they don’t have the mental capacity to engage with one more White person about racism.  Because when they do try to convey how racism is real it often requires sharing how...

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A New Committee Model

Nominating Committee wants to draw your attention to a committee model using auxiliary helpers who are not committee members. The model provides a way to extend the work of a committee without increasing the demands on committee members. And it provides a way for...

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The Photo Board!

The Care & Counsel committee is updating the photo board outside of the community room. If you have a recent photo, no larger than 41/4 square inches of you or you with your family, please give it to Sally Rugg or Charlotte Davenport, or place it in the mailbox...

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Library Committee

Friends, as you are making preparations in your home for the upcoming holidays, please check around to see if you have any books from the Library that you've finished and overlooked returning. Many thanks! Friends, as you are making preparations in your home for the...

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The Peace and Social Concerns committee invites Friends/friends to join us at MovieLand/Bow Tie Cinemas on Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30, to watch together the newly released film, Rustin. The movie is based on the life of Bayard Rustin, a black Civil Rights...

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New Friendly Eights Group

I posted a new open group called, “Hens and Chicks”.  My idea is for women of a certain age, and we know who we are, to get together with those women who haven’t reached that certain age to share stories, generational thoughts.  Chris Olsen-Vickers

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