News and Activities

Updating Photo Board

Care and Counsel is updating the photo board. If you have a recent photo of yourself and/or family no larger than 4 1⁄4” please give it to Charlotte Davenport or Sallie Rugg. Please write names in pencil on the back of your picture. If you would like to be...

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100% Voting Congregation

Our State Legislative government has an enormous impact on how we individually and corporately live our Faith in our day to day lives.  Your vote is one way to “speak Truth to Power”  and support the enactment of policies that are congruent with...

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Joseph and Mary Judy Otieno

Since moving to this country about a year ago, Mary Judith has been unable to work because of the status of her immigration documents. Joseph has consulted his lawyer, whom he has known for a long while, for legal help in changing the status of her documents. Their...

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