News and Activities

Lectio Divina?

Have you wondered about lectio divina and how it’s done at RFM ? Basically, it’s contemplation - a chance to experience a reading of a passage, meditating upon your chosen word or phrase from the passage, feeling what comes up for you personally in your life as the...

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Circles RVA Needs Allies

Have you ever wondered if you could do something to help those in poverty that would help get them out and to thrive? You can make a difference. Circles RVA does this one person at a time in a small group, but over time those small groups of one person with allies...

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Housing needed for Akeyo family

Joseph Akeyo needs a place to stay for one month with his family until he can move into a property that’s available for him on July 1st. Forthe past year, he has been living in Henrico with his two twinchildren, Pamela and Joseph. His landlord has terminated...

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Peace Testimony Reading Group

There will be a four week reading group about our Peace Testimony. On  Friday June 2nd,  at 7:30pm, we will hold an organizational session, via Zoom  We will discuss format, readings and most importantly best days and times. (This is not considered...

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Request for assistance

Elizabeth Price and her family need assistance: Elizabeth Price, mom of Rebecca and Joshua is having bicuspid aortic valve surgery on 4/28/23. The procedure involves open heart surgery and replacing her valve with a mechanical one.  Complete recovery may...

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The Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, the Poverty Law Center, and the Community Foundation are cosponsoring a book talk with Matthew Desmond, author of Poverty by America. The event will be at the Richmond Public Library on Franklin St at 7pm on May 4.You...

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