Ministry and Worship Report on the Fall Retreat

The Fall Retreat led by the Ministry and Worship committee was well attended and amply supported by the Committee on Adult Spiritual Education who provided a wonderful lunch. The workshop, “Seeking Right Relationship with Indigenous People,” led by Barb...

BYM Reading Group on CASTE starts Sept. 14

Friends, The Working Group on Racism of our Baltimore Yearly Meeting is offering a reading group on CASTE, the extraordinary, highly readable book by Isabelle Wilkerson. I read the book last year and plan to participate. Please join in, if you are so led! You can...

Quaker House invitations

Quaker House shares the invitation from Eno Meeting. Eno Meeting gathers on Zoom each Thursday evening for worship sharing around a specific topic.  ThisThursday, September 15th at 7:30, we will be joined by Quaker House executive director, Wayne...