by WebPost | Feb 15, 2011 | History - RFM
Richmond Friends Meeting (RFM) organized in 1795, and soon built its first Meeting House at 19th and Cary Street in Church Hill. This was the second oldest “church” in Richmond. We have a long history of religious observance and social justice within...
by WebPost | Dec 18, 2008 | History - RFM
Richmond Friends Meeting (RFM) organized in 1795, and soon built its first Meeting House at 19th and Cary Street in Church Hill. This was the second oldest “church” in Richmond. We have a long history of religious observance and social justice within...
by WebPost | Dec 20, 2007 | Writings - Quaker Bibliography
Friends for 350 Years BY HOWARD BRINTON, WITH AN HISTORICAL UPDATE BY MARGARET HOPE BACON Overview of basic Quaker understandings and practices. Topics covered include the light within, meeting for worship, vocal ministry, reaching decisions, the meeting community,...
by WebPost | Dec 21, 2004 | History - RFM
RICHMOND FRIENDS MEETING Building Committee Request Approved by the Financial Stewardship Committee To be recommended to Meeting for Business on December 19, 2004 The Building Committee, requests that Financial Stewardship consider and recommend to the next...
by WebPost | Dec 18, 1969 | History - RFM
1963 There is no mention of specific membership numbers in the minutes but it appears the Meeting had very few members during the 1960s. ( An influx was seen in the 1970s.) Robert Clark, Clerk Most of the Meeting for Business Notes are penciled notes for the...