All visitors and seekers are welcomed to join us for either in-person or online worship. For those attending in-person, children’s religious education (starting at 11:15 am)  and nursery care  (starting at 10:45 am) is available. There is a section in the meeting room set aside for those who wish to mask. To improve air flow, windows may be opened during worship so dress accordingly.

Our weekly Worship schedule is:

      • Early Worship on Sundays, weekly at 9:30 am: in-person.
      • Worship each Sunday at 11 AM: in-person and virtual (Blended Meeting).
      • Worship sharing each Wednesday at 7 PM: virtual only.

Special meeting activities such as weddings and memorial services may also be available in the blended format or exclusively as virtual events (such as Adult Spirirual Education).

What to expect during Online Meeting for Worship

We sit in silence, awaiting an ever deepening awareness of the spirit.  As the silence grows, our shared focus on the Light within nurtures gathered souls.  Then, at times, may come thoughts and feelings so strong and clear that we are stirred into becoming aware that the inspired message is to be spoken aloud. If you have a message that you would like to share with everyone, we ask that you stand and speak . For on-line participants, click on the microphone icon in order to unmute your microphone.and speak your message simply and briefly and then please click the microphone icon again in order to re-mute it. Silence is allowed to expand after a message to foster full appreciation.  We speak not to one another’s messages, but from individual leadings, yet themes often emerge.  We value silent meetings as fully as those receiving vocal ministry. The sense of a gathered, satisfying meeting rests on the chosen spiritual joining of persons seeking the light within.

At each meeting for worship, there will be a member of Ministry and Worship and a technical host. There Ministry and Worship member will provide a few brief remarks about the process when the meeting starts and will close the meeting.

Please contact us using the link above and we will send you the on-line access information.

Guidelines for Online Worship (Using Zoom)

Instructions for online meeting:
1. You will receive an invitation e-mail (from the RFM Newslist) to join a Zoom-based virtual meeting for worship First Days, at 11:00am. That e-mail will contain a link. If you are already a Zoom user, then simply click on the link on First Day at 11am. If you are new to Zoom, please
click on the link BEFORE the First Day meeting for worship, and this will lead you to some steps to install Zoom on your computer so that you will be ready to click on the link again on First Day, Sunday, at 11:00am.
2. If you click on the link on First Day before 11am, you will be met with a message, “Please wait for host” — that means you are connected to the meeting, but it is not yet open. The meeting will open at 11:00 AM.
3. At the beginning of the virtual meeting for worship, all microphones will be muted by our Zoom host. Check the microphone icon on the bottom left of your Zoom window. It will have a red line through it and should say muted. If you have a message that you would like to share with everyone, click on the microphone icon in order to unmute your microphone. After you have spoken, please click the microphone icon again in order to re-mute it.
4. If you wish, you may click the video camera off so that you can hear but not be seen.
5. At each meeting for worship, there will be a member of Ministry and Worship and a Zoom host. There will be a few brief remarks from MW about the process once the meeting starts. Meeting for worship will be closed by MW.
6. The Zoom host will close the Zoom meeting when we have finished. If you leave before the meeting has finished, please click on the words “leave meeting” in the bottom right-hand corner of the Zoom window.
7. Inevitably, there will be some glitches when we try to do initial virtual meetings for worship. We will all learn from the glitches so that we may prepare ourselves for better virtual meetings for worship in the future.